Single Design License

Single Design License

You will pay a one time fee and the Single Design License is valid forever. Easy as that!

Quick Links:
License Summary
Physical End Products
Digital End Products
Print on Demand (POD) Usage
Full License Text

License Summary


  • Create Unlimited Physical End Products*
  • Create Unlimited Digital End Products*
  • Create your own items that you sell on Print-on-Demand (POD) sites*
  • Use the design in new projects forever. The Single Sales License never expires.
  • * Please read the right way to use the products below.


  • Resell, sub-license, share or (re)distribute any of the digital files.
  • Install or embed on 3rd party platforms/servers
  • Convert designs to other formats and sell those as new designs.


Physical End Products

An example of a Physical End Product is printing a design on a mug and selling that mug.


  • Download a design and print/transfer it on a physical item without making modifications and subsequently sell that physical item.
  • Download a design, modify it, and print/transfer it on physical item and subsequently sell that physical item.
  • Sell unlimited copies of the physical items that you create with a design.
  • The physical product can be sold worldwide for an unlimited amount of time (for example, product packaging, apparel, and more).
  • Create physical products that you give away, to friends or as part of a promotional product.
  • Create and keep selling physical items using the design forever. The Single Sales License never expires.


  • Provide a digital copy of the design of the original design with your physical product.

Digital End Products

A Digital End Product is a product in a digital file format.


  • Use elements to create a new design. For example, you are allowed to use floral elements to create a floral themed wedding template.
  • Create new designs as long as the SvgHeart designs are used as secondary elements when other elements, not from SvgHeart, are added to the final composition and become more important than the design from SvgHeart. Please note that using multiple images from SvgHeart is considered as main element, so you need to add other designs created by yourself or from a third party.


  • Create end products that compete with the original product. For example, you cannot bundle multiple designs and sell that as a new product, or simply change basic elements such as color and size and sell that as a new product. 
  • Sell design as is in any digital file format.


Print on Demand (POD) Usage

POD services allow you to upload products/designs and only print/make them once the customer orders (e.g. RedBubble, Amazon Merch, Zazzle, etc).


  • Create and upload designs to POD sites that are the same or similar to the original.
  • Generate unlimited sales via POD sites.
  • Ship valid POD products worldwide.


  • Make the digital files available for anyone to download, other then uploading it to the POD site for selling.

Full License Text

This license is an agreement between You and When purchasing an item (not using a subscription), You will receive the rights to use the design(s) as defined in this license.

Permitted Usage

  • Products can be used to create unlimited projects and/or products (both physical & digital) for personal and commercial use.
  • You are allowed to create digital end products that you sell. In all cases, the product that you create must have distinctive new features that will create a entirely new product that won’t compete with the original product. Combining multiple downloads into 1 product is not enough. E.g. If you download flowers to create a floral wedding template, you can sell that flattened template. If you download a flower and create a card with just that flower without making significant modifications to the original product, this is prohibited.
  • Products can be used for Print on Demand (POD) without alteration.
  • The physical end product can be sold commercially, worldwide and in perpetuity; or can be shared without charge. It’s not allowed to sell or giveaway the digital  file without modifications.
  • This license is valid perpetually.
  • This license is valid worldwide.
  • No attribution is required.

Prohibited Usage

  • The description in this license covers most scenarios. However, it can happen that a scenario is not covered. In case you are unclear if the product can be used for your intended use, you agree to contact us at before you start using the product. This license may be updated over time with more use cases. In case these use cases don’t actually change the permitted use of the items and is for clarification purposes only, you will not be notified.
  • You are never allowed to resell, share, re-distribute or otherwise transfer items downloaded to other 3rd parties.
  • Digital End Products need to be flattened at all times, disabling customers/users from extracting the original design. E.g. using a flower to create a floral wedding template is allowed, as long as the user cannot extract the original flower image from the file you create.
  • Graphics and patterns cannot be used as a library inside another tool, platform or application. For example, if you are developing a tool that allows users to create mails (e.g. Mailchimp), you cannot embed the products that you downloaded as a resource for these templates, e.g. letting users picking their own mail background.
  • Items or end products cannot be registered as a trademark in any territory. This license gives you non-exclusive rights. Other users can download and use the products as well, so you cannot claim sole ownership.

Terms, Indemnification & Disclaimer

  • You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless and its directors, employees, partners & affiliates from and against all allegations, suits, claims, actions, demands, damages, liabilities, obligations, losses, settlements, judgments, costs and expenses (including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs) which arise out of using any of the products obtained from this site.
  • In case You did not breach the terms & conditions of this license and suffer damages because of a product used, we will indemnify You by refunding the full charge of your order, provided that you inform us within 3 working days after damage occur. Decisions regarding settlements of indemnification will be made at SvgHeart sole discretion.
  • SvgHeart is not responsible for settlements, legal fees and/or other costs made by any party without prior agreement from SvgHeart directors.
  • You understand that items are created by 3rd parties. While we do our best to remove content that might breach copyrights or trademarks, SvgHeart cannot be held responsible for items that are created. As soon suspicion arises that items might breach (local) laws or trademarks, you will notify us as soon as possible at
  • This license cannot be re-sold or transferred to any third party.
  • In case parts of this license will be void or invalid, the rest of the license will remain into full effect.

In case you have any questions, you can contact us at